Art 7

Course Description

Art 7:  7th Grade Art Course Description and Syllabus

18 Weeks

Goals:  Communicate ideas visually, increase skills, learn new vocabulary, identify stronger and more interesting compositions and become acquainted with artists (subject matter and style) and the time periods in which they worked.

Portfolios:  Students will keep select projects that demonstrate knowledge of each skill and idea being investigated for each unit.  A reflective journal format will be maintained as evidence of learning. The journal should reflect on the daily goals, struggles and successes, mental state and should incorporate vocabulary and artistic process.


Grades:  Grades are formulated into a point system.  The following are approximate. Students are involved in deciding and then agree upon how many points each component are worth.  


Portfolio/Studio assignments - 25 to 100 points.  

Journals/Self-Evaluations - 3 to 10 points


Grading Criteria:  The grading rubric for studio assignments are  graded on a scale from 1-4 and is made up of 5 areas:  Elements and Principles, Craftsmanship/Skill Demonstrated, Requirements, Time Management and Originality.


Units of study will include:


Elements and Principle: Illustration

Perspective: One Point and Two Point Perspective Projects

Watercolor: Value Chart and Landscape painting

Paper Mache: Acrylic on paper mache Pop Art Sculptures

Pen and Ink Bookmark: Gravity fed pen use in a line design

Clay Tile:  Three-dimensional additive and subtractive nature study tile design

Printmaking: Personalized Monogram Set of cards

Color wheel Design (object) in tempera

Shading Practice:  Spheres

Still life drawing:  Proportioned objects through the use of sighting or basic unit.


Missing/Incomplete Assignments:  Art courses are studio based, therefore attendance is critical to a student's’ success.  It is then the student's’ responsibility to complete the work in Ram (or at home if the project allows.)  The student has until one week prior to the semester ending to turn in the missing/incomplete assignment to the teacher.  No points will be removed for the work being late, provided that it is turned in one week prior to the last day of the grading period.  


There are no extra credit assignments for art class.  However, here is the option provided: any student who is not satisfied with their grade can schedule to come in to the art room during RAM time for help and extra time.  Students have the option to re-do any project that they are dissatisfied with as long as they turn in the project one week prior to the end of that grading period.


Class Rules and Procedures:  All rules will be followed according to the student handbook.  If a student does not conduct themselves according to those rules, the student will be referred to the office for disciplinary action.


Students who are tardy 3+ times to art class will be referred to the office for disciplinary action


No Cell phones in the art room.