Michael Long » Syllabus


Algebra 2A/2B/Honors
Mr. Long
[email protected]
Textbook: Glencoe Algebra 2/McGraw Hill
During this course, students will learn a wide range of concepts and skills. The following topics will be covered:
Regression and Special Functions
Quadratic Functions and Relations
Application of Functions
Exponential and Logarithmic Functions and Relations
Linear Functions and Relations
Inverses and Radical Functions and Relations
This class is 50% student responsibility and 50% teacher responsibility. I will make sure my 50% will cover teaching, grading, and assisting with whatever you, the student, needs. Your 50% responsibility will involve the following:
— Completing all work that is assigned, whether homework or classwork
— Studying and preparing for exams
— Being prepared for class each day with what you are required to have
— ASKING QUESTIONS! I can’t read minds if you aren’t understanding something :)
— Cell phones away unless instructed to take them out
2. Take good notes! Your notes are your lifeline! They will directly affect how well you can study and prepare for your exams.
3. Show ALL WORK at ALL TIMES. No work, no credit.
4. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to get the notes you missed, as well as any assignments that were given out.
5. If you are absent before an exam and there was no new material covered that day, you will still be responsible for taking the exam.
6. Assignments are due when they are due unless an absence is involved. There is no late work accepted.
A graph paper notebook
Looseleaf paper (not paper torn from your notebook)
A folder dedicated for your math papers
Pencils, pencils, pencils…..or erasable pens.
Grades will be based upon the following:
— Assessments/Quizzes 60%
— Warm-ups/Classwork 30%
— Homework 10%