IMC Procedures
Students can come to the IMC at ANY TIME to print in black and white, (color printer is located in 510 across from the office) return a book, renew a book, check out a book, or pay a fine. They do NOT need to sign in on the sign in/out sheer in the IMC because they are quick and students promptly return to class.
Student can check out up to 3 books for 2 weeks. After 2 weeks, books can be returned or renewed. If a book is not renewed or returned, a fine of 5 cents a day will be charged for the overdue book. If a student knows a book is due, and they are not in possession of the book, they can still renew the book in the IMC using their student ID.
Students can come to the IMC to record, use the collaborative rooms, read, work on a project, etc. Students MUST sign in/out on the clipboard at the circulation desk because we are responsible for them here for extended periods of time because we need to know when/why they are here for safety and accountability.
Thanks for your cooperation, and remember we are always open to book recommendations!