Sarah Farrant » Advanced Drama

Advanced Drama

Advanced Drama is centered on a variety of theatre activities that will require the students to work and perform in both individual and group projects.  Successful completion of an audition is required for a student to enroll in the class. Students will perform in two plays, and will be responsible for a number of additional production duties.



Students in Advanced Drama will:


  • Interact in a positive manner with other performers
  • Study and practice voice control
  • Practice and perform a three-minute monologue
  • Prepare auditions for drama class productions
  • Demonstrate skills of acting at a level acceptable for a public performance
  • Help design sets and obtain props and costumes
  • Plan, design, and implement a publicity campaign





Grades in this course will be based on daily participation and performance in each of the plays. The right attitude, regular attendance, and taking responsibility for assignments are essential in order to pass the course. The final exam grade will be a combination of the grades from the public performances and a written reflection.


Daily Participation  -  Students will complete and participate in a variety of projects and activities to be presented and performed in class. Students will earn points for being on time and prepared for class, being on task, and helping to set up and put away materials. 


Monologue / Audition -   Students will prepare and perform a set of monologues and dialogues.  They will be required to give “life” to a character through the use of voice, body movements, costumes, facial expressions, and interpretations.


Full Length Plays  -  Students will be assigned a specific responsibility in the production of a full length play and a set of one act plays as a member of the cast and/or as an assistant director.  Points will be awarded for meeting deadlines, cooperating fully with the production, memorizing lines (if a cast member), paying attention to detail in assigned tasks, and committing to the group effort.           


Writing Assignments  -  Students will write evaluations of their own and their peers' performance in activities and productions. They may also write or evaluate scenes and plays.


Publicity  -  Students will plan and implement various projects designed to promote and advertise a drama production. Evaluation will be based on the quality and timely execution of the projects assigned to the students and their group. 






The final exam grade will be a combination of the individual public performance grades and the portfolio. 


Public Performances – Cast and crew members will receive evaluation sheets based on their work in rehearsal and public performances of their plays.  Areas scored will be attitude, memorization, characterization, voice, body movement, cooperation with others, completion of specific job responsibilities, and meeting of deadlines.                                       


Portfolio / Written Reflection – Students will be required to hand in an individual portfolio.  Included in the portfolio will be a written evaluation of their entire semester’s contributions and responsibilities, including pictures or other samples of their work in their assigned areas. 




College credit for this course is available for a fee through a dual enrollment agreement with Mt Aloysius College. Ms Farrant will give details of this arrangement within the first week of class.