English 7 Course: Syllabus (General expectations/content)
English 7: Course Syllabus
Mrs. Heckman
Welcome to 7th grade!
My name is Mrs. Heckman, and I will be your teacher for the 2024/2025 school year. I am very excited about this year and know it will be a great educational experience for you. During the school year, we will be focused on many aspects of the English language. The following will be a brief outline of English topics and classroom expectations. Keep this syllabus for future reference, especially in grades and homework protocol.
There are several expectations I have for classroom management. You will find these expectations to be very similar to the expectations found in other classrooms. When class begins, you should be in your assigned seat, ready with your pencil, free choice book, and computer. You will not be permitted to return to your locker once class begins to get any of these items. No food will be in my class, but gum and bottled WATER are permitted (unless this becomes an issue). Respect in the classroom, both for fellow students and myself, is a major priority. Anyone being disrespectful will be warned only once, and then parents and the administration will be involved.
Library Skills
Each 7th-grade student will be introduced to the library. This is an excellent opportunity to learn about the resources that the Penns Valley Library has to offer. You will learn about the types of books, magazines, and online sources you can access during the school year. This will prepare you for using the library in all of your classes. I will work closely with you to ensure that you have a positive library experience. You will take a lexile test (STAR) to determine your reading level. This will be used to select your free choice books.
Free Choice Books
Students are required to read one novel every nine weeks. Every Friday, students will have thirty-five minutes to read their books. Students will complete their Ram Reading journal in the last five minutes of class. In this journal, students will answer the question of the week, which is connected to their novel. Each entry is worth 10 points. There are seven reading days for the first nine weeks, totaling 70 points. This is due on Oct. 25th. The same procedure will used for each of the other three nine weeks. Reading is the priority for this day.
Independent Reading Policy Acceptance
Students will participate in independent reading throughout the year, and a variety of reading material is available through my classroom and the school’s libraries. Independent reading is an opportunity for students to read for pleasure; therefore, decisions about appropriate material are to be made between students and parents/guardians. Mrs. Heckman will not be censoring students’ reading choices.
We will be reading several short stories in a variety of genres. These stories are usually 3-5 pages long and will correlate to a classroom discussion and questions that will be answered at the end of each story. There will also be a strong focus on the Reading Apprenticeship Program, which focuses on how we read and strategies to use while we are reading.
Writing Process
We will be working on many different writing projects throughout the year. These papers will range from three-paragraph papers to six-paragraph papers. Topics will range from informational, argumentative, and narrative writing. You will have a short story unit involving a 15-20 page short story and a letter-writing unit. A couple of the papers will involve public speaking and presentations within the classroom. The first half of the year focuses mainly on reading, while the second half has more writing.
Of course, one of my favorite areas to focus on is grammar. We will closely examine the parts of speech, broaden our understanding of English, and learn how to become better writers and speakers. There will be a strong focus on correct punctuation and spelling. Grammar will consist of using the program IXL regularly.
Students who turn in assignments late for reasons other than absence, extended illness, or an approved educational trip will have their total score penalized. Daily homework assignments and workbooks will only have up to an 11% deduction. Major projects, Ram Reader Journals, and tests can result in 0s if not completed by the end of the unit or marking period.
IF AN ASSIGNMENT HAS A ZERO WITH THE LETTER "M" IN SKYWARD, IT CAN BE COMPLETED FOR A GRADE. The zero is used to let students know what will happen to their grades if they do not complete the assignment.
Extra Support
There are several options available to you for help. I am in my room by 7:00 am every day. I usually stay after school until 3:45. The library is also open from 7:30 a.m. until 3:15 p.m. with support staff. Make arrangements with me or email me with concerns: [email protected]. I will provide you with every opportunity to succeed. Take advantage of the help that is in place. Do not wait until you are overwhelmed before you seek help. Entering high school is exciting; get organized, manage your time, and work hard.