Mitchell Robson » Honors Physics 1

Honors Physics 1

The Honors Physics syllabus is listed above. Linked within the syllabus is the College Board prescribed course outline for AP Physics 1. 
Copied below is the grading system for this course. Each unit will be comprised of these sets of assignments and activities. Exact point values for each category will vary by unit, but in general, I try to stick close to a 20% exam and quiz weight. This means exams and quizzes will be worth approximately 20% of you MARKING PERIOD grade.


Your course grade will be determined using the following grading system:

Final Exam (20% of final grade) A cumulative final exam will be given at the end of the course. 

All other assignments - Marking period grade (80% of final grade)

Unit Packets - Guided practice problems and conceptual questions that follow along with the unit. Class time is usually given to complete these. 

AP Classroom Practice Problems - Problems designed by College Board directly aligned to the AP exam. A set of practice problems will be assigned each unit and graded on completion

Lab notebooks and reports - Labs and lab activities will consist of about 20% of class time. Your progress and findings will be recorded in a lab notebook. 

Cornell notes - I will be giving out note outlines for each lesson, but you will be responsible for condensing each unit of notes into Cornell format as a summarizer. Details to come in class

Assessments - Quizzes and Tests - Summative assessments will be given at the end of every unit, and will be used to demonstrate mastery of content. Quizzes will be given in the middle of a unit, and will be used to check progress and adjust course teachings accordingly. (approx 20% of MP grade)

Please refer to schoology for classroom resources