Flexible Instruction Days
According to the Penns Valley School District, "A Flexible Instructional Day (FID) can be utilized in cases when circumstances (e.g., a disease epidemic, a hazardous weather condition, a law enforcement emergency, the inoperability of school buses or other equipment necessary to the public school entity’s operation, damage to a school building, or a temporary circumstance rendering any portion of a school building unfit or unsafe for use) prevent the delivery of instruction in its customary manner or location. FIDs are considered school days and count toward the number of instructional days/hours required....
Students should sign into ALL classes via Zoom. Classes will begin at regularly scheduled times. If a student does not sign in or call into the Zoom meeting and has not PREVIOUSLY communicated with the teacher and downloaded material because they have no internet, they will be marked absent. Students will be expected to complete the FID assignments on that day. ... If a student fails to complete the assignments, he/she will receive a zero grade and will be marked absent. Any student with an IEP, GIEP, or 504 will be provided with modified or adapted assignments as appropriate."
In the case of a FID, please log into our classroom Schoology page and Zoom for class. The Zoom session link will be posted on Schoology under the "Flexible Instruction Day" folder.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please email me at any time!
Please remember that to be counted as present for the school day, students must sign in at the beginning of each class on Zoom AND submit the assignment given.