Robert Irwin » Classroom - American History

Classroom - American History


Social Studies 8

Mr. Irwin 


Room 308 

814-422-8814 (ext. 3025)

[email protected] 



Course Description:  This history course is designed for eighth-grade students and focuses on key historical people, places, events, and issues that shaped North America from Prehistory to 1865.  Major units of study will include:

  • Preview 
      • The English Colonies 
  • Unit 1
      • The Road to Revolution 
      • Revolutionary War
  • Unit 2
      • Confederation to Constitution
  • Unit 3 
      • Constitution Unit
  • Unit 4
    • Launching a New Republic
    • The Jefferson Era
    • National and Regional Growth
  • Unit 5
    • The Age of Jackson
    • Manifest Destiny
    • A New Spirit of Change 
  • Unit 6
    • The Nation Breaking Apart 
  • Unit 7
  • The Civil War Begins 
  • The Tide of War Turns 

Philosophy: As an educator, I feel that it is of extreme importance that students are actively engaged in the learning process; therefore, this class features a wide variety of learning activities that require a high level of student participation.  A heavy emphasis will be placed on two of Penns Valley’s instructional goals, reading, and writing.  Preparation for PSSA testing will also take place in the classroom.  In addition to expanding a student’s knowledge of American History, I believe that it is important to develop and expand these life skills: 

  • Reading and writing
  • Communication 
  • Analytical and critical thinking
  • Cooperative learning 

Course Requirements: All students must bring the following to class each day:

  1. Laptops! 
    1. History textbooks will be kept in the classroom. 
  2. History folder/notebook→ for paperwork, handouts, or any other materials. 
  3. Pen or pencil→ preferably pencil. 
  4. A positive attitude!

Homework: Students are encouraged to write all homework assignments in their history folder/notebook.  Students and parents can also find homework assignments in the following locations:

  1. SmartRams Homework Board
  2. Google Classroom Page

Junior Scholastic 

  1. Throughout each marking period, students will be required to complete four current event summaries.  Students will be provided with a template for completing each current event.  Junior Scholastic magazines will be used as the primary resource. 


  1. Academic Grade - A variety of assessments (formative and summative) tools will be used to monitor student progress in this course.  These assessments will include tests, quizzes, projects, homework, and bell dingers. Grades will be determined by using a straight point system.  Each assessment will be given a point value.  At the end of each marking period, all possible points will be added.  Grades will be determined by dividing the number of points earned by the total possible points. 
  2. Late Policy - All assignments must be handed in on time.  Students who turn in any Homework late for reasons other than absence, extended illness or an approved educational trip should be assessed a penalty of 10% of the grade for the assignment.  If not turned in by the time of the unit exam, you will receive a zero for the assignment.  (This policy does not pertain to Summative projects and papers where separate late policies will be stipulated).  The assignment will then be graded from the reduced percentage. 
    1. A grade of incomplete will be given in cases of absence due to an extended illness, an approved educational trip, or failure to complete a summative assessment.  (i.e. paper, project, etc).   Any grade recorded as incomplete at the end of a nine (9) week grading period, will be changed to a "0" if not completed within ten school days after the student returns to school.
  1. Incomplete Policy - All summative assessments are mandatory for the completion of this course.  Any incomplete summative assessments not turned in up to 10 days after the marking period is closed will result in an overall failing grade of 60% for that marking period.  All assignments in the 4th marking period must be turned in by the last day of school.  The 10 day grace period does not apply to the 4th marking period. 

Penns Valley Area School District Grading Scale:

  1. 90 - 100%
  2. 80 - 89%
  3. 70 - 79%
  4. 60 - 69%
  5. 0 - 59%

Classroom Rules: 

  1. Follow the “Do Right” rule.  Do right for yourself, your teacher, classmates, school, and family. 
  2. Follow directions the first time given.
  3. Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself.
  4. Use good manners and appropriate language.
  5. Be prepared to learn and bring all necessary materials to class.
  6. Respect all students and staff.
  7. Always do your best!

Absenteeism:  When you miss a class, please check either my Google Classroom page or the 8th Grade SMARTRAMS homework board. If absenteeism is extended, due to illness, educational, and/or family business, please make arrangements with me ahead of time (if possible) concerning the work you will miss.  Remember that it is your responsibility to make arrangements to make up missed work.  In addition, all makeup work is to be done within a reasonable amount of time as indicated in the student handbook.

Consequences: While I anticipate no problems, I have outlined the procedure to be followed should any occur. 

  • 1st offense- Verbal warning
  • 2nd offense- Conference with the teacher
  • 3rd offense- Parental notification 
  • 4th offense- Teacher detention
  • 5th offense- Referred to the principal for discipline 

*** Severe Clause- In all cases, the teacher reserves the right to immediately impose any and all appropriate disciplinary measures. 

Permission to View Films: Throughout the school year there will be opportunities for us to view films that have a direct relation with the content we are covering in this class.  These films may include short clips or full-length movies.  These films could possibly have the ratings of G, PG, or PG-13.  By signing this syllabus you are giving your student permission to view the films shown in class.  Please contact me if you have any questions regarding this matter.